Ireland’s Government Encourages Switch to Solar Power for Commercial Buildings
According to the article, by Euractiv, Ireland’s government has recently announced expanded support for companies looking to make the switch to solar power.
Solar Energy: The Future of Cambodia
Solar power is a promising solution for Cambodia’s energy needs, given its potential for developing cost-effective, reliable, and clean energy systems.
Beyond Energy: How Solar Farms Are Becoming Unexpected Allies for Agriculture and Nature
An article, from CBC News, highlights two unique examples of solar farms that coexist with nature and benefit local ecosystems, communities, and agriculture.
Report Finds Massachusetts Has Ample Solar Power Potential
DOER report concluded that Massachusetts has more than enough potential solar energy to meet the requirements of its decarbonization targets set by state laws.
The Promising Future of Solar Energy: New and more efficient technologies
“Overcoming the 30% threshold provides confidence that high-performance, low-cost PVs can be brought to the market.” – De Wolf
73% of the UK’s Solar Capacity Has Been Added by Households through Solar Installations
A report by Energy Live News has revealed that around 73% of solar capacity has been added from household installations.
Solar Energy: A Solution for the Global Energy Crisis
The global energy crisis has brought about many challenges, but also many opportunities. Green energy investments is of great importance to Governments.
Solar Power: Expected to Eclipse Oil in 2023
A recent Forbes article highlights an exciting trend toward solar power investment, which is set to eclipse oil in 2023.
Solar Energy Benefits Hospitals in India: How Solar Power is Transforming the Healthcare Sector
The article published by Renewable Energy World, highlights the growing importance of rooftop solar systems in providing reliable power to rural hospitals and clinics in India.
Solar Energy Rises as Innovative Technologies Drive Affordability
The future of solar energy looks bright, according to a recent article from the Harvard School of Public Health.
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Empowering your space with solar
Summit Energy offers a wide range of cost-effective solar energy solutions. We work with homeowners and businesses to help them reduce their energy bills, while also reducing their carbon footprint.