The Environmental Benefits of Solar Energy Beyond Carbon Reduction
While solar energy’s ability to reduce carbon emissions is well-known, its positive impact on the environment extends far beyond this critical advantage.
Funding Your Solar Panel Installation: A Step-by-Step Guide
We will explore various options for funding your solar panel installation and introduce you to our No Cost Solar Program to have solar energy without the upfront costs.
Harnessing the Power of Solar Energy: Understanding Inverters and Going Solar
One of the critical components of a solar power system is the inverter, which is crucial in converting direct current (DC) electricity into alternating (AC) electricity.
The Role of Energy Storage in Solar Panel Systems: Powering Your Home During a Blackout
Integrating energy storage solutions into your solar panel system is the key to ensuring reliable energy for your home – day or night, rain or shine.
Maximize Your Solar Energy Savings with Energy-Efficient Appliances
Embracing solar power is a wise decision, offering environmental and financial benefits for New Hampshire homeowners.
10 Surprising Facts About Solar Energy You Need to Know
There’s a treasure trove of fascinating facts and hidden potential surrounding this renewable resource. Here are ten surprising facts about solar energy.
Solar Panel Lifespan: Sunshine Power That Lasts for Decades
Climate change presents a pressing challenge, demanding sustainable solutions. Solar energy offers New Hampshire residents a powerful tool to combat climate change.
Soaking Up the Sunshine: Why Solar Energy Shines Brightest in Summer
What if you could harness that sunshine to power your home and beat the summer heat without breaking the bank? Enter solar energy!
How Many Solar Panels Should You Install On Your Roof?
You’re ready to harness the sun’s power and reduce your reliance on the grid. But a crucial question emerges: how many solar panels do I need for my home?
The Best Time to Install Solar Panels in New Hampshire: Reap the Sunshine, All Year Round
When is the ideal time to take the leap and install solar panels on your home? While sunshine is critical, several factors come into play.
What our customers say about us
Empowering your space with solar
Summit Energy offers a wide range of cost-effective solar energy solutions. We work with homeowners and businesses to help them reduce their energy bills, while also reducing their carbon footprint.